October 21, 2019

Simplify to Amplify

Death of a loved one brings perspective to how you live your life. I witnessed recently the passing away of a woman I greatly admire. This woman a dear relative of mine spent her entire life being there for others. She was so loving and that is the legacy she leaves behind.

Her death, made me realise that you are not going to be around forever and realistically there is only so much one can achieve in life.

You spend your life chasing and chasing and not enjoying the moment. Her death has made me realise it is important to leave a legacy and work on that legacy rather than procrastinating on projects I want to do.

If you are multi passionate like me,  you can spend your whole life trying to do everything, trying to be everything and then getting burnt out.

Life is complicated enough.

Recently I am really practicing the philosophy simplifying to amplify.

That way I focus on one dream ( I have so many) for three months. And formulate goals to help me achieve the dream and then break down the goals into tasks I work on daily to progress towards my dream.

I have been focussing on one dream which I will be sharing with you soon.

You can of course start working on the other dreams, you do not need to dismiss them.

I haven’t forgotten my other dreams of travelling etc and they will always be there. It is just when you simplify to amplify, you go in deep and that results in riches.

Not just money.

It’s a fulfilment and taste for life.

Diving in deep to really focus in your most important dream,  amidst all this internet noise and noise of family, job, friends and your mind, results in a clarity that is priceless.

Diving into discover what is it you always wanted to be, discover, play with, explore, see, hear,  experience and taste is exhilarating.

Diving into discover if you only had a few months to live what would you want to do before you died, gives you the perspective.


A gem of a quote from Marie Forleo.

Marie Forleo is the Author of EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE, a book I am reading recently and it is a life changer if you are stuck, feeling overwhelmed, suffering or burnt out.

I know I will be reading it at least a few times in the year for the rest of my life.

If anything in this blog has really resonated with you and you would like to discuss the subject further with Taniya privately then use this link.





Taniya Hussain qualified as a Social Worker in 1991 from Coventry University in England. She has been working on the front lines, consistently holding space for individuals and families for three decades especially, children and young people on the margins of society. Taniya studied Psycho-dynamic counselling from 1991 to 1993 at Goldsmiths College in London. Taniya met Sheikha Halima Krausen in 1992 and has been studying Islam with her ever since especially Mystical Islam, Tassawuf (Sufism) and walks on the Chisti path. Taniya really started using the power of Jungian Pyschology and Mystical Islam when she started her Online Coaching and Consultancy Business in 2018 and discovered she was a powerful healer. When she discovered Shadow Alchemy in 2019, she started developing this modality into Muslim Alchemy in 2020. She now brands herself as the Muslim Alchemist because she is constantly integrating her knowledge of the Quran and Bible with her vast Social Work experience and her extensive ability of applying Psycho-dynamic, therapeutic techniques to organisational settings, team dynamics and when working with individuals and groups. This has both Online and Offline. Taniya uses skillfully her understanding of the Shadow, that Jung constantly talked about and her Mystical Training plus her experience in inter-faith dialogue since 2003, to help individuals and groups become conscious of what they previously were unconscious of leading to rapid success in their Business, Health and Relationships. Taniya has a great skill in being able to see the blind spots in others and in untanging energetic knots (a term she uses for Shadow) to promote healing from mental and physical disease. She uses her vast expertise and skills to help her Online Clients to get rid of decades of anxiety causing insomnia, depression and suicidal thoughts and marital problems. Clients usually are healed in a short amount of time never needing to invest in Therapy again. She really is the Muslim Alchemist as she turns the shitty experience of clients into golden experiences where they manifest upgraded, wealth, health and relationships all at the same time. Taniya got married in 1995 and has three sons born in 1996, 2001 and 2003 and lives in Surrey, England and when she is not developing Muslim Alchemy, she loves to spend time with her family and write fiction stories, songs and poems. She speaks fluent English and Urdu and basic German and French and is learning Arabic and Hebrew.


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