May 22, 2024

Transformation not information! High Performing LEADERS seek TRANSFORMATION

In 2019 I reclaimed my Jungian Psychology roots. For me Carl Jung and his understanding of the Collective Consciousness and Shadow (Not Self) has been what has led to the RAPID and LASTING transformations for my paid clients.

They have not had to understand these concepts fully but when I have taught the concepts in terms of their lives and how these concepts affect their thoughts and feelings and behaviour, this has led them to pace themselves, take action which previously they were delaying or avoiding and consolidating all they already knew about their lives and then they undertook a radical evaluation of their lives.

This led them to experience a flow they always yearned for and they felt so FREE and Fulfilled.

Did you know I am trained in Psychodynamic counselling and really studied the theories of Carl Jung from 1991 to 1993.

I learnt all about the Archetypes when I was in my mid twenties.

Way before I was married.

Way before I had children.

Way before I started my business.

But I really didn’t immerse myself in the Archetypes and understood how they affect my life until I found Lorna Vaughn Online and her series Fear and Power in 2019.

And when I rediscovered them I immersed myself in them, seeing which thought lead to what behaviour and became really conscious of my unconscious.

You see you can learn about the Archetypes to become a good therapist and to become a good social worker and they can really help you understand your clients and how you can help your clients overcome trauma, crisis, chaos, anxiety etc.

But when you learn the Archetypes to help you overcome your own fears and for you to understand your own power and to reclaim your own agency, now that is TRANSFORMATION.

When you start using your own agency and you see rapid and lasting transformations in your relationships, in your health and your wealth that is TRANSFORMATION.

And that is what I facilitate with my clients when they hire me as their coach, facilitate a safe and nurturing space so they can start using their agency to change their lives.

We all have agency.

So few of us are aware of it or use it.

In Jungian terms it means becoming The Sovereign or the CEO of your life.

You see what I see now Online Space is that most are just consuming information.

You are going from one Coach to another Coach and buying one course to another and really not getting anywhere in your business, in your relationship, in your parenting, in your health.

You think you are but you are not.

You are just going round and round in circles.

Do you feel you are going round and round in circles but really are at the same place you started.

Your relationship with yourself sucks.

Your relationship with your partner…. well that is still full of tension. You feel you do two steps forward and a hundred steps back?

Is that you?

Well what you are suffering from is shiny silver object syndrome.

You purchase whatever looks like the latest tool that will get you the fulfillment you crave.

But FULFILMENT is not achieved by buying loads of digital courses or following this coach or that coach.

Neither is change, true change, radical change.

You can achieve some superficial changes but real lasting deep change requires going down in the trenches, the deepest recesses of your psyche.

And when you understand the Archetypes, these are energy patterns in your unconscious and you make them conscious……OMG….. You experience the most amazing transformations FAST.

I was not conscious of these Archetypes when I embarked on the Personal Alchemy Journey back in August and September 2017.

However looking back I understand what I experienced in my life back then was The Prostitute Archetype. This is the Energy pattern that is willing to sell her soul to maintain peace, the status quo. I came face to face with her like never before. I realised most of my life I had sold my soul to survive. I had sacrificed my dreams, what I really wanted to do in order to maintain my family, my career and my marriage.

You see I always have had this dream of becoming a published writer and speaking on stages and going on a book tour. Having my poems published and the few songs I have written to be sung by famous singers has been my childhood dream.

However I put this dream on the back burner and worked hard with my husband to be there for my children and for my social work clients who are children and young people in the criminal justice system.

No there is nothing wrong with the above

But inside I felt bitter. Deep inside me I had so much resentment. I actually sat face to face with The Prostitute inside of me. The Energy pattern. The Shadow Archetype. The Unconscious. The repressed, suppressed feelings and thoughts inside of me on this family visit to Karachi.

The Unconscious during those three and a bit weeks from August to September 2017 became CONSCIOUS to me

I had buried my dreams to be this published writer deep within me.

And in August 2017 when I slowed down and was engaging in many afternoons sitting in silence by myself and indulging in self care and I had really simplified my family visit by not reading too much. I had a heart to heart with The Prostitute inside of me.

And as I spoke to her who did I find standing next to her.

The Lover of course beaming back at me.

She reminded me of all my dreams to become this writer, to become something, someone what… I didn’t know back in August 2017 but I did know that being a social worker was not enough for me.

I wanted to be something more.

I wanted to do something more.

I wanted to express all that I had inside in a book, on stage, in a poem, in a song and touch so many more souls than what I was doing back in August 2017.

I wanted to do it on my own terms not in the confines of a social work job.

What that was I didn’t know but I knew if I didn’t pursue this dream of mine, I would really not forgive myself ever and that by honouring this dream, I would be really loving myself, valuing myself.

Have you met The Prostitute inside of you?

In meeting her have you met The Lover inside of you?

The Prostitute and The Lover are Archetypes.

What are Archetypes?

They are ENERGY patterns in your psyche, in your unconscious.

The Prostitute is the Shadow archetype

The Lover is the Light Archetype.

The Shadow Archetype and Light Archetype are both in the Collective Consciousness and within you

They exist in every human being.

Both can be conscious and unconscious.

Shadow Archetypes can best be understood as what you are not but what your mind thinks you need to do, say, be, to survive.

You see survival is wired in our brain.

There’s a part of the brain that kicks in each time we think our survival is at stake.

But The Shadow Archetypes stop us from living a fulfilled life finding FULFILLMENT and achieving radical change.

Does this resonate with you?

I by the way am known online as The Muslim Alchemist and this….slowing down, simplifying, self -care and sitting in silence, I refer to as The Four S’s

The Four S’s are four activities that I teach you when I guide you on The Spiritual Alchemy Quest.

You do these regularly when you embark on the personal alchemy journey which is the first journey that you take when going on this adventure which leads to transformation.

Yes transformation NOT information.

Which is what you seek.

Transformation of your reality, your relationships

A radical over-turning transformation… that you wake up

Your black and white life .. your unfulfilled life changes to one of colour.

You feel ALIVE.

You feel AWAKE









Taniya Hussain qualified as a Social Worker in 1991 from Coventry University in England. She has been working on the front lines, consistently holding space for individuals and families for three decades especially, children and young people on the margins of society. Taniya studied Psycho-dynamic counselling from 1991 to 1993 at Goldsmiths College in London. Taniya met Sheikha Halima Krausen in 1992 and has been studying Islam with her ever since especially Mystical Islam, Tassawuf (Sufism) and walks on the Chisti path. Taniya really started using the power of Jungian Pyschology and Mystical Islam when she started her Online Coaching and Consultancy Business in 2018 and discovered she was a powerful healer. When she discovered Shadow Alchemy in 2019, she started developing this modality into Muslim Alchemy in 2020. She now brands herself as the Muslim Alchemist because she is constantly integrating her knowledge of the Quran and Bible with her vast Social Work experience and her extensive ability of applying Psycho-dynamic, therapeutic techniques to organisational settings, team dynamics and when working with individuals and groups. This has both Online and Offline. Taniya uses skillfully her understanding of the Shadow, that Jung constantly talked about and her Mystical Training plus her experience in inter-faith dialogue since 2003, to help individuals and groups become conscious of what they previously were unconscious of leading to rapid success in their Business, Health and Relationships. Taniya has a great skill in being able to see the blind spots in others and in untanging energetic knots (a term she uses for Shadow) to promote healing from mental and physical disease. She uses her vast expertise and skills to help her Online Clients to get rid of decades of anxiety causing insomnia, depression and suicidal thoughts and marital problems. Clients usually are healed in a short amount of time never needing to invest in Therapy again. She really is the Muslim Alchemist as she turns the shitty experience of clients into golden experiences where they manifest upgraded, wealth, health and relationships all at the same time. Taniya got married in 1995 and has three sons born in 1996, 2001 and 2003 and lives in Surrey, England and when she is not developing Muslim Alchemy, she loves to spend time with her family and write fiction stories, songs and poems. She speaks fluent English and Urdu and basic German and French and is learning Arabic and Hebrew.


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